Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dramatization of William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Venue: The Taranum Room
Date: 11th May 2011

The play of Macbeth is about a man's rise to power that is made possible by his wife's manipulative ways. Though Macbeth is a brave general and a powerful lord, his wife is far from subordinate to his will. Indeed, she often seems to control him, either by crafty manipulation or by direct order. And it is Lady Macbeth's deep-seated ambition, rather than her husband's, that ultimately propels the plot of the play by goading Macbeth to murder Duncan. Macbeth does not need any help coming up with the idea of murdering Duncan, but it seems unlikely that he would have committed the murder without his wife's powerful taunts and persuasions. Additionally, apart from ambition, the play also illustrates the themes of greed, supernatural, appearance and reality, trust and good versus evil. Congratulation to all the Teslians of PPISMP Semester 2 for the nice performances. And also appreciation to the coordinator of English Studies and the project, Madam Akmar Aminuddin.
